Thursday, June 19, 2014


I get sent stuff everyday by aspiring artists; I'm NOT an artist manager, so I cant really help anyone who is developing their career. I AM a booking agent and promoters will usually book talent only when there is a potential to 'draw' a crowd (and sell tickets). Here are some tips I can give you if you are an aspiring artist though:
  1. When you email me mp3s I go immediately to YouTube instead of listening to your mp3 If you have no hits, I will probably pass on it. The more hits you have is the more likely I am to listen to it. (Get your YouTube hits up before trying to push your career to industry peeps)
  2. If the production sucks I wont listen no matter how well you may sing. Get with a good producer(s). Don't release substandard material it will do you more damage than good. Your song should sound just as good as any hit song on the radio.
  3. Crawl before you walk and take a good realistic look at your career before you try and take a shot at the big time. Everyone has to start somewhere, but very rarely will an overnight success actually be an overnight success. If you step to the right person at the wrong stage in your career you may have just squandered that one opportunity. Have you ever seen anyone eating a banana before its ripe? Wait till your product has developed before trying to feed it to others.
  4. Image is everything. If you don't look like a star, ain't nobody gonna think you are one!! Get a stylist, if you cant afford one...look at the latest magazines, Instagram to get ideas from the stars.
  5. Social we media? Get networking (After you got your stuff in check).
  6. I'M DIFFERENT - find your niche!! If you are sounding exactly like something we heard before, why would anyone pay attention? If your sound isn't different, then make your look or lifestyle stand out from the pack.
  7. Stay in your lane. Not every singer is a great songwriter; if you don't write all that well, work with songwriters. If you are singing a bunch of nonsense I wont listen to it and other people probably wont either. (unless your Soulja Boy).
  8. Your friend is not your manager, unless your manager is a friend. Confused? If your friend has no experience in managing artists and no contacts in the industry, then find another role for them if you want to take them for the ride...road manager, assistant etc. Your gonna need people you can trust in your circle, but don't put them in a position they are not qualified for such as manager or booking agent. Find a good, experienced manager when you got your stuff in check.
  9. Find a mentor, learn all you can from anyone willing to teach you. Be observant and also be sincerely willing to to help them in any which way possible without getting in their way. If your a rapper, be willing to be a hype man for another rapper...or even a gopher. If your a singer, humble yourself and be willing to sing background for someone else. If you got writing skills, submit your songs to more establish many artists started as writers for others including NeYo, Joe, Shontelle Layne...
  10. Learn all you can about the music industry if you are serious about making it. There are some really good books; start with the industry 'bible' "This Business of Music".

Well thats my 2 cents...I'm no Berry Gordy or P-Diddy, but I hope this helps. It is possible if you believe in yourself, I've personally witnessed a few people go from struggling artist to the big time (I played no role in it). Good Luck!!